New Standards for Petroleum Refining Industry

  • September 23, 2014
  • Blog

Release Date: 8-15-14
EPA Home » Laws & Regulations » Reg DaRRT » Petroleum Refinery Sector Risk and Technology Review and New Source Performance Standards

New Standards for Petroleum Refining Industry. This action pertains to the Petroleum Refining industry and specifically to petroleum refinery sources that are subject to maximum achievable control technology (MACT) standards in 40 CFR part 63, subparts CC (Refinery MACT 1) and UUU (Refinery MACT 2) and new source performance standards (NSPS) in 40 CFR part 60, subpart Ja.

This action is the Petroleum Refining Sector Rulemaking which will address our obligation to perform Risk and Technology Reviews (RTR) for Petroleum Refinery MACT 1 and 2 source categories and will address issues related to the reconsideration of Petroleum Refinery New Source Performance Standard (NSPS) subpart Ja. Petroleum refineries are facilities engaged in refining and producing products made from crude oil or unfinished petroleum derivatives. Emission sources include petroleum refinery-specific process units unique to the industry, such as fluid catalytic cracking units (FCCU) and catalytic reforming units (CRU), as well as units and processes commonly found at other types of manufacturing facilities (including petroleum refineries), such as storage vessels and wastewater treatment plants. Refinery MACT 1 regulates hazardous air pollutant (HAP) emissions from common processes such as miscellaneous process vents (e.g., delayed coking vents), storage vessels, wastewater, equipment leaks, loading racks, marine tank vessel loading, and heat exchange systems at petroleum refineries. Refinery MACT 2 regulates HAP from those processes that are unique to the industry including sulfur recovery units (SRU) and from catalyst regeneration in FCCU and CRU. For more information visit the EPA website at the following link: Petroleum Refinery Sector Risk and Technology Review and NSPS.


EPA Holds Hearings on Clean Power Plan

  • August 3, 2014
  • Blog

Starting July 29, 2014 the EPA will hold two day public hearings on the Clean Power Plan in Pittsburgh, Atlanta, Denver and Washington, D.C. Interested parties will have the opportunity to comment on the proposed plan before it goes into effect.

Release Date: 07-28-14
EPA Home » Carbon Pollution Standards » Clean Power Plan Proposed Rule:
On June 2, 2014, EPA proposed a commonsense plan to cut carbon pollution from power plants. States, cities and businesses across the country are already taking action to address the risks of climate change. EPA’s proposal builds on those actions and is flexible – reflecting that different states have a different mix of sources and opportunities, and reflecting the important role of states as full partners with the federal government in cutting pollution. This proposal will maintain an affordable, reliable energy system, while cutting pollution and protecting our health and environment now and for future generations. For more information go to the EPA News Room at: Clean Power Plan Hearings.